Crown Royal Peach helping me survive quarantine shirt

Both are in the Cervidae (deer) family, so they look Crown Royal Peach helping me survive quarantine shirt vaguely similar. Reindeer live in the far northern regions of Canada, Europe, and Russia while the elk live only in North America and Canada south of the arctic circle. I’ve seen elk, and they are BIG. I believe reindeer are a bit smaller. There are populations of elk subspecies in Asia (China, Siberia, etc.). Reindeer are whitish in color while elk are brown. Also, reindeer have been herded for a very long time but elk have not. Longtime animal trainers, both men knew their shit about Big Cats, and better for me to ask a somewhat embarrassing question and be safe than to stay silent and invite injury. I was surprised when Wayne assured me that my “time of the month” wouldn’t be an issue.
Crown Royal Peach helping me survive quarantine Sweater