Dunkin’ Donuts helping me survive quarantine shirt

 The tiger’s acute sense of smell came into play a few years Dunkin’ Donuts helping me survive quarantine shirt later when I was having issues with Saigon. Usually an agreeable tiger, Saigon had started acting like he had a real problem with me; circling me, pinning on me, generally being a menace. It was alarming. I tried to figure out the cause of his new behavior without success. I wasn’t doing anything different- no limping, no wearing unfamiliar clothes, nothing had changed except his attitude. Exasperated, and more than a little scared, I asked Wayne for his thoughts. Don’t you have a toothache?” I did. I’d been bitching about it for weeks. But I wasn’t visibly in pain, not enough to notice, anyway. I held off my close contact with the cats until I saw a dentist.
Dunkin' Donuts helping me survive quarantine Hoodie