Quilter 2020 #quarantined shirt

Basically, I just used a disk of attractive cotton print fabric, Quilter 2020 #quarantined shirt filled it with sand, and jammed it down into the film canister, attaching with hot glue. Don’t remember now just how I managed to do that, but remember futzing around with it till I discovered a way that filled up the canister as well as some of the fabric that stuck up above the canister . . . think maybe I did part of it upside down? OOPS….Now that I’ve reread your question, I think you were instead asking about things that quilters could make with their pieced and/or quilted “sheets” that could be turned into small items. for example, bags or pouches of all kinds, coasters and dinner mats, Xmas ornaments, small stuffed toys

Quilter 2020 #quarantined Sweater

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