My babe is just out doing his job making sure that stores are well stocked. I like CNA 2020 the ones who saved the world shirt. I wouldn’t change things though he is a truck driver, and I’m one proud wife, even after 22 years. This was me. He made reserva

My babe is just out doing his job making sure that stores are well stocked. I like CNA 2020 the ones who saved the world shirt. I wouldn’t change things though he is a truck driver, and I’m one proud wife, even after 22 years. This was me. He made reservations at an expensive restaurant. I said cancel them and bring home take out, please. I didn’t have to change out of my yoga pants and hoodie. Any time my children just randomly tell me they love me or give me cuddles. All of the days’ stresses leave me in those moments. It’s like they know I need them as much as they need me.


CNA 2020 the ones who saved the world shirt


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