Vintage God OMG you guys that’s not what I said shirt

I believe Triss’s explanation of her own involvement Vintage God OMG you guys that’s not what I said shirt in Blood of Elves is applicable. Yennefer went to Sodden because, when the chips are down, she gives a damn about right and wrong. She can’t be neutral. Nilfgaard’s invasion is seen as a doomsday scenario by the North. It was her chance to put skin in the game, to “give back” and lay something on the line for humanity’s future in a way she had never been able to up to that point. It was the chance to have a legacy rather than grow old and be forgotten. So in conclusion, for Yennefer, motherhood is a means of regaining her power and finding meaning and love in a world from which she feels alienated, whether she can admit to it or not. Like, say an employee, a mother, a daughter, etc etc. It’s not possible to give 100 percent everywhere. If as a mother you leave the office early, you are tagged as an advantage seeking an employee.

Vintage God OMG you guys that’s not what I said Hoodie


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